Wednesday, April 18, 2007


My Soul Waits for the Lord

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.
Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!
If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand?
But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning, more than those who watch for the morning.
O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is great power to redeem.
It is he who will redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

- Psalms 130: 1-8

I am in mourning.

The morning of the Virginia Tech murders my first instinct was to call my daughter, away at school,and make sure she was alright - a move that made her laugh as only a college student can shrug off her parents delusional worries.
Yes, I mourn for the victims in this horrific incident - but I mourn for ALL the victims.
What about "the shooter's" family?
Even though the network news has run the tinist details to the point of mental exhaustion on the subject,we still know nothing of this family. The family who had no doubt sent their beloved son to school, proud, in the relaxed sort of way you get when your children go off to school - your work almost completed in a very difficult stage of development. What of them?
These parents who woke up one morning, probably in fear, to find there was a gunman loose on the Virginia Tech Campus.Did they call their son to see if he was alright? Did they sit by the phone, paralyzed with fear because they couldn't contact him? What of these parents?
..And what of Cho Seung-Hui, "the shooter"? (How I hate that moniker, used by network news agencies to discount the worth of this life, as well.) What in his background - his homelife, his childhood would lead to this?
I will pray again today for those lost; and I will also pray for Cho - for the demons in life that drove him to this end, he who was lost BEFORE the shootings;and for his grieving parents.

Thursday, April 12, 2007



As I take my first step,
My foot kisses the floor.
With gratitude to the earth,
I walk in liberation.

- Andrew Weiss

How many of us are truly grateful for what we have been given?

I have asked quite a few people lately if they feel they are an optimist or pessimist and I couldn't find one person who thought they were a pessimist - yet the negative language abounds!
If I had any influence over a day, I'd ban certain words and phrases -
along with their mindsets - phrases such as "I CAN'T," & "IF ONLY,"
"It's Impossible!" Negative words such as stupid, bad,can't, never, etc. They all con notate a negative state of mind!
These phrases and words do nothing to benefit us, to make us see the possibilities instead of the imposibilities!
What you speak, you will think and what you think will become embedded
upon your heart.

If you make it a habit to speak & think positive,
happy thoughts, good and blessings will follow.
The impossible will
become possible and your earthly load will be lightened in every
context of the word; Many stresses will be obsolete and your brief stay
on this earthly vessel will be filled with kindness and cheer.
What would you choose - a life filled with possibilities, or impossibilities? Lightness, or Dark?
A brief tale of possibilities:
While my mother lie in a hospital bed,with a cancer that had jumped from her lymphnodes to travel and invade almost every area of her body, most notably, it
had spread up her spine paralyzing her, I never heard a discouraging
word pass her lips.
Just the other day my sister and I spoke about a scene that had
imprinted upon our hearts: Strolling into her hospital room for a visit, both my sister and I were surprised to see a new addition to her room: Mom had a chart - one she had made to track her PHYSICAL THERAPY and roped out her journey to BE ABLE TO WALK AGAIN!
I asked my sister what her initial reaction was and amazingly, it was
identical to mine - we had to squelch the rolling of the eyes and the teenager's monotone "right, mom..." that was on our lips.
Mom was smiling. She was
always smiling. She BELIEVED! I'd like to tell you that her belief
turned into a long and happy life, her children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren by her side. I can't.
What I can tell you is that although she had faced the reality of this spreading illness in her body - and knew the consequences only too well,she faced those consequences not with despair or futility, but with hope, grace and determination.
Mom inspired others, but non more so than her own daughters. She
made her life happier, more content because she stayed in charge of her
illness - it never defined her or limited her dreams. In those closing moments of her life, she chose to model a strength of character I've rarely seen since.
As Christians, don't we owe that contentment, that joy for life to ourselves and to those around us?
Today, be truly grateful, open your eyes wide and drink in the wonderful abundances you have!

ALWAYS HAVE HOPE     "But as for me, I will always have hope:   I will praise you more and more." Psalm 71:14    You know...