Thursday, February 15, 2007

Where Do You Find Beauty?

Beauty...sometimes takes the form of a white cloud, and goes dancing over the green fields or the deep blue sea, where her misty form, marked out in a momentary darkness, looks like the passing shadow of an angel's wing.
-G. A. Sala,
"Beauty of the Universe"

Some will argue beauty is a fleeting thing and worship the days of youth; it's days of lineless-glowing skin, long-flowing, vibrantly colored hair and smooth-graceful movements...and to what end do we go to preserve this youth?

I prefer the honest face: one worn with soft wisdom, complete with lines of laughter, hair bearing the trials and tribulations of life, gentle, understanding and non-judgemental eyes.

I wonder at times: those that seek to cover the signs of passing youth, do they cover it in vanity? Do they cover the scars of their youth in deception, ashamed of what their face tells others?

We can plump our lips, color our hair and fill in the lines of knowledge learned, good and bad, but we can never hide what truly matters: the beauty of the soul. Our soul where we have internalized our lessons learned. In the end, it is God who will decide who among us is truly beautiful; looking inside to find that beautiful, misty form of a growing spirit, touched by his love and made perfectly beautiful in grace.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Faith for Tomorrow

All that I have seen teaches me
to trust the Creator
for what I have not seen.

is still early and my son and I have shoveled twice today. The snow
continues to fly outside in the face of the warm and inviting fire
inside. As tempting as it is to wallow in the depression that sometimes
is February, I am thankful for each snowflake.
For within each snowflake is the promise of spring.
it warms up and the snow gives way to warmer days and spring rains, we
will, as a collective human race, curse the rain that darkens the
spring skies.
What an impatient, short sighted bunch we are!
the spring rains never fell, the sounds of splashing and joyful
laughter would never have a chance to mount it's song over the land.
is a horrible truth though - in our darkest days, humans can never see
the light; and in our darkest trials and tribulations, it seems we
sometimes fail to see love andhappiness we seek, even though it is thinly disguised in a different season.
The ironic, deep truth of it all is this:
The things we never see - the spring in the midst of winter,
the bright summer in the midst of monsoon springs,
are always before us -
right where they've always been -
our challenge is to trust in He who created us
to make the sun visible to human eyes unable to
see the warmth and light of that promise deep within us
even in the depths of cold night.

Monday, February 12, 2007

A Stranger's Kindness

A stranger's kindness spans the years!

As children, we are all taught the parable of the Good Samaritin. Few of us rarely put those words of wisdom to action in our own lives. During one of my darkest days, a group of men and women showed such love and kindness, it has rippled through my life and memories for more than 25 years.

Fleeing an abusive marriage and hesitant to confide in anyone and admit that things were perhaps not perfect in my life, I ran to the only person who I felt I could turn to without recrimination: my sister.
On the way from Southern California to South Carolina, by bus with an 8-month-old child in tow, I became seriously ill. I couldn't breath. I was nauseous and I was hungry. For the bus trip, (I believe it to be about 4-5 days), I had brought plenty of food, diapers, and formula for my daughter, but had only a few snack items for myself - and no money. I just had to get away!
By the time we reached Birmingham, Alabama for an extended layover, I got off the bus, hoping to get a drink of water and regain my equilibrium. Instead, station authorities became concerned and called 911.
Paramedics and firemen swarmed the bus station and I was the object of much unwanted attention as they administered oxygen and pleaded with me to go with them to the hospital. My breathing and vital signs were not stable. (Later, it would turn out I had pneumonia and would be hospitalized for more than one week to recover.)
I told them I would only go - if they could guarantee I could keep my child with me - she was young, the light of my life and we were in a strange city, surrounded by strangers and I was very afraid...I had taken a Marine's daughter across state lines and was sure he would follow.
Sadly, they told me the baby would have to go to foster care - and I would have to go to court to get her back when released! NO! I couldn't leave her - and I refused any additional help.
The bus was boarding and one of the EMT's asked me if I would like him to get me something to eat quickly to take back to the bus. No, I answered, I had no money, but thank you. Emt's carried the baby to the bus and helped me reboard with a few whispered comments to the bus driver before leaving. I remember feeling completely adrift and beaten down. Depressed, hungry and sick with another 2-days on the bus.
Minutes later, the EMT reappeared, food in hand.
I was over come with emotion - someone cared! As I began to cry, with his other hand, he withdrew money from his pocket and pressed it into my hand. The money - what seemed a fortune to me at the time - about $60 - was collected from the EMT's and Firemen who came to assist me in the first place!
Tears blur what I remember of this man’s face. What I do remember clearly, is the kindness and love of the civil servants from Birmingham; this is what remains after all these years.
What a beautiful testimony and gift was given to me that day!
I can't help but think this has a deeper life lesson for us all: When we assist others selflessly, in the course of a normal day, what lives on is not the clothes we wear, the car we drive or the amount of money we accumulate. What lives on - and is truly the essence of our faith - is the love we have shared.
In my walk, I strive to pass on the love shared to me; in the hopes it will ripple through someone's memory over time and create yet more ripples of love for someone else.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Athletes and Grades

Much is made of student athletes. It seems they are the topic of much discussion from the stereo-typical profile of the ‘dumb jock’ to those athlete’s we idolized in high school, the straight-A athlete with the straight teeth and winning personalities who brought in a school record for touch downs during the current season. Many of us can only hope to achieve the latter’s example. For most, this persona remains a dream. What can we do to bring the ideal student-athlete to a home near you?
Read the entire article here!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Cell Phones & Freedom

Early Childhood
© Connie Newbauer

Freedom or Lack of Respect?

Cell Phone usage has been made an offense worthy of expulsion at Milwaukee Public Schools. What is this teaching our children?

Milwaukee Public Schools have taken, what seems to be, a bold step in our society today: They’ve banned cell phones within their schools. The big question: What will students do now?

A myriad of complaints rolled in just after the decision was announced....
Read the entire article at Suite!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Strength For Today, Lord

Give me the strength
to meet each day with quiet will.
Give me the faith to know
Thou art my shepherd still.
~ Hebrew Union Home Prayer Book

Some days can be downright troubling. The washer breaks, the car needs repairs, the kids won't stop yelling and yet once again this month - you have no earthly idea how the bills will get paid.

...But that is exactly the point of today's inspirational thought for the day...we have no EARTHLY idea how things will ever work out right. Once we take time to center ourselves and remember who is ultimately in control, things will work out. Guaranteed. God works miracles everyday...and he gives us the wisdom and strength to work our own miracles as well.

Praying to God to give you strength and wisdom for your trials does not mean he will deliver a miracle to your door in the form of a raise, or higher paying job, 'be nice' dust for the kids or a new washing machine...which, by the way, is always possible. (All things are possible in God!)

However, I can guarantee you that if you pray with faith even as a mustard seed, your burdens will be much lighter and easier to carry - there may even be a new washer at your door!

Strength For Today, Lord

Give me the strength
to meet each day with quiet will.
Give me the faith to know
Thou art my shepherd still.
~ Hebrew Union Home Prayer Book

Some days can be downright troubling. The washer breaks, the car needs repairs, the kids won't stop yelling and yet once again this month - you have no earthly idea how the bills will get paid.

...But that is exactly the point of today's inspirational thought for the day...we have no EARTHLY idea how things will ever work out right. Once we take time to center ourselves and remember who is ultimately in control, things will work out. Guaranteed. God works miracles everyday...and he gives us the wisdom and strength to work our own miracles as well.

Praying to God to give you strength and wisdom for your trials does not mean he will deliver a miracle to your door in the form of a raise, or higher paying job, 'be nice' dust for the kids or a new washing machine...which, by the way, is always possible. (All things are possible in God!)

However, I can guarantee you that if you pray with faith even as a mustard seed, your burdens will be much lighter and easier to carry - there may even be a new washer at your door!

No Child Left Behind: Simplifying NCLB for Parents & Educators

No Child Left Behind
Simplifying NCLB For Parents & Educators
© Connie Newbauer

NCLB was enacted to safeguard children's education -
No Child Left Behind, enacted by the Bush administration (FY2001) in response to a failure of the American educational system has had several are we doing?

To educators and parents alike, wading the sixty-plus pages of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB manages to be confusing, horrifying and comforting, all at the same time. Obviously, the administrators who penned the bill had a singular goal in mind: to hold the American education system accountable for the education of our students. What they have not mastered is the art of simplicity. What is the NCLB?

Read the entire article at!

ALWAYS HAVE HOPE     "But as for me, I will always have hope:   I will praise you more and more." Psalm 71:14    You know...