Thursday, February 1, 2007

Strength For Today, Lord

Give me the strength
to meet each day with quiet will.
Give me the faith to know
Thou art my shepherd still.
~ Hebrew Union Home Prayer Book

Some days can be downright troubling. The washer breaks, the car needs repairs, the kids won't stop yelling and yet once again this month - you have no earthly idea how the bills will get paid.

...But that is exactly the point of today's inspirational thought for the day...we have no EARTHLY idea how things will ever work out right. Once we take time to center ourselves and remember who is ultimately in control, things will work out. Guaranteed. God works miracles everyday...and he gives us the wisdom and strength to work our own miracles as well.

Praying to God to give you strength and wisdom for your trials does not mean he will deliver a miracle to your door in the form of a raise, or higher paying job, 'be nice' dust for the kids or a new washing machine...which, by the way, is always possible. (All things are possible in God!)

However, I can guarantee you that if you pray with faith even as a mustard seed, your burdens will be much lighter and easier to carry - there may even be a new washer at your door!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

ALWAYS HAVE HOPE     "But as for me, I will always have hope:   I will praise you more and more." Psalm 71:14    You know...